We decorated the house (and the blog) this weekend for Christmas and Wesley had a blast helping out. It's amazing how much can change in a year! This year Wesley is so excited about Christmas. It's funny how hard it can be to try and teach someone about an imaginary tradition such as Santa, elves and the North Pole. I don't think he grasps the concept quite yet but we keep working on it. He had a lot of fun putting ornaments on the tree. We learned quickly to only let him handle the unbreakable ones. Every day now he wakes up and runs out of his room to look at the tree all lit up. It's fun seeing Christmas through a child's eyes.

1 comment:
Ah, a babe in arms. We've been trying to wean ours this week - by that I mean putting her to bed for naps. She's used to sleeping in arms and that just needs to stop. The crying has been terrible. My advice: don't let her nap in arms too much. It's an awfully lovely experience but excruciating to break the pattern. I feel awful. Advice?
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