Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Octopus

The first 3D printed item went so smoothly that Sean decided to make something for Greta. So they went to and let Greta pick something out. This website has free design files you can download for your 3D printer. She wanted an octopus so they went through several designs before finding the perfect octopus to print. Man, it was super cool watching this one print! The legs were mesmerizing. I had initially gotten video at the beginning when it was printing the legs and shared that one to facebook, but this second video of the body was almost more fascinating than the legs. Take a look:


Hoofprints said...

So...what's it like being married to a genius?

The Menagerie Momma said...

He's a pretty smart guy, I know that. It's amazing how stuff like this comes so easily to him. It makes my brain hurt thinking about all that went into making that little octopus a reality.